Crooked Carrot Farm is now on an indefinite hiatus while we explore new ventures. Our newest is a partnership with a group of experienced farmers who want to preserve our farming heritage and introduce the community to the joys of backyard gardens and "real food". Please check us out at www.CityPlantations.com

Many of you may remember our CSA (community supported agriculture) when we first started our farm. That is the direction we are moving again. - only not using our land but using yours!
What kind of fruit, veggie, or egg is fresher and more nutritious than one from your local farmer's market? Once that is grown in your own backyard!
Gardening can be somewhat frustrating here in the low desert. That is why we are focusing our farming/gardening expertise on developing the most beautiful and productive backyard gardens that we can and sharing what we learn and grow with you, our loyal customers and blog readers.
City Plantations kicks off on September 12 - don't miss the fun!
We hope you have all had a great summer and we look forward to an abundant fall!

The Furlongs
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