Check out our Lavender Cool Paks. Our cool packs are hand made with a cotton cover and filled with buckwheat, organic lavender buds and organic chamomile. Keep them in the freezer so there are ready to go whenever you have a headache, tired eyes, a need for relaxation or an area that just needs a little special attention. Great for kids and adults.Paks are $3.00 each or 2 for $5.00.
Currently In the Farmstand:
1. Green Onions (new this week)
1. Green Onions (new this week)
2. Braising Greens (new this week)
3. Sunflowers
4. Salad Mix
5. Squash
6. Fresh basil
7. Jalapeno peppers
8. Garlic
9. Turnips with greens
10. Handmade soaps
· lavender mint
· oatmeal chamomile
· rosemary mint
· orange scrub
· grapefruit
· unscented carrot
In The Shade House (plants):
1. Chives (new this week)
6. Fresh basil
7. Jalapeno peppers
8. Garlic
9. Turnips with greens
10. Handmade soaps
· lavender mint
· oatmeal chamomile
· rosemary mint
· orange scrub
· grapefruit
· unscented carrot
In The Shade House (plants):
1. Chives (new this week)
2. Mini windowbox basil
3. Cilantro
4. Lemon Balm
5. Oregano
6. Parsley
7. Sage
8. Epazote
3. Cilantro
4. Lemon Balm
5. Oregano
6. Parsley
7. Sage
8. Epazote
In The Field:
1. Tomatoes
2. Broccoli
3. Cabbage
4. Bell peppers
5. Green onions
6. Beets
7. Carrots
8. Fennel
1. Tomatoes
2. Broccoli
3. Cabbage
4. Bell peppers
5. Green onions
6. Beets
7. Carrots
8. Fennel
9. Kohlrabi
In the Kitchen:
Greens are a great source of vitamins, minerals, and fiber - they liven up dishes, add texture and flavor to help round out the meal and make it nutritionally complete. Braising greens are great alone or in soups, stews, and wilted winter salads.
Our mix is a beautiful blend of baby cooking greens, whose bite-sized baby leaves don't require cutting and create an impressive presentation. The mix includes Mizuna, Red Russian Kale, Komatsuna, Red Giant Mustard, and Tatsoi.

Our mix is a beautiful blend of baby cooking greens, whose bite-sized baby leaves don't require cutting and create an impressive presentation. The mix includes Mizuna, Red Russian Kale, Komatsuna, Red Giant Mustard, and Tatsoi.
To prepare our 12 ounce bag of braising greens: Heat 1-2 T olive oil in a skillet or wok until hot but not smoking. Add greens & 4 cloves minced garlic; stir-fry for 1 minute. Add ½ cup vegetable broth and bring to boil. Reduce heat and simmer 5 minutes, reducing liquid by half; add more both if needed. Leaves should be soft but not wilted. These are great alone or for a change, try adding some crisp bread crumbs and/or diced tomatoes sprinkled on top of the greens to add a contrast of texture.
Farmstand Info:
The farmstand is self-serve and open dawn to dusk. We make an effort to stock the stand most every morning so that you will have the freshest veggies and herbs. We round all our prices down to the nearest quarter to make things easier for you (and us) as we do not make change. Checks are accepted.

Thank you for visiting our farmstand.
Have a great week!
The Furlongs
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